Document Management Services

If you have 300 or more plan documents, FIS Relius expert staff can be your invisible back-office partner. We can provide you with services that include new plan document services, IRS required (regulatory) amendments, employer-requested amendments, notices (safe harbor, EACA, QACA, etc.), and document restatement services.

FIS Relius Documents expert staff also offers restatement services, including:

  • Preliminary mailing
  • Data analysis
  • Reconciliation of data
  • Processing of supporting forms packages

We can help reduce or eliminate time and costs associated with:

  • Keeping up with document compliance issues and IRS requirements
  • Updating system and documents to comply with requirements
  • Researching document provisional issues
  • Coordinating and training employees
  • Drafting, processing, reviewing, printing, and mailing

All services can be customized to suit your specific business needs, so you can focus on growing your business while we do the work.

Contact Relius at 1-800-326-7235, option 6 for more information on DMS for your organization.

Document Management

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