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Automatic Enrollment: QDIA, EACA, and QACA (Archived Event)
Presentor: S. Derrin Watson Recorded Date: 11/28/2007 Duration: 100 Min.


This program was recorded during a live presentation on November 28, 2007.

It's fresh! It's new! It's here! And it's only 8 1/2 months late! Finally, we have guidance on qualified default investment alternatives. And, guidance on automatic contribution arrangements should be close on its heels.

This pre-recorded Web seminar will tell you what you need to know about QDIAs and automatic enrollment. Although exact topics are subject to change depending on the proposed automatic enrollment regulations, we expect to cover the following:

  • Qualified Default Investment Alternatives
    • Use
    • Protection
    • Acceptable Investments
    • New Temporary QDIA
    • Special Grandfather Rules
    • Annuity Options
    • Notice Requirements and Deadlines
    • Retroactive Application
    • ERISA Preemption for Automatic Contribution Arrangements
      • Expanded Application
      • Regulatory Definition
      • Required Notice
  • Eligible Automatic Contribution Arrangements
    • 90-day Withdrawal
    • ADP/ACP Correction Period
    • Participation Issues
    • Required Notice
    • Interface with QDIA Rules
  • Qualified Automatic Contribution Arrangements
    • Benefits
    • Participation
    • Minimum Automatic Deferral
    • Employer Contribution
    • Vesting Issues
    • Required notice
    • Plan Amendments

Speaker – S. Derrin Watson, J.D., APM
Recipient of the 2006 ASPPA Educator's Award

Instructional Delivery Method
Group – Internet-Based

There are no prerequisites for this course.

Level - Overview

System Requirements
  • Windows 95, 98, NT 4.0 , 2000, XP
  • Internet Explorer 4.01 or later, Netscape 4.08 or later
  • 56K modem connection or better (128K recommended)
  • Pentium 166+ MHz, 128MB RAM or more
  • 800x600 or higher display resolution
  • Soundcard, Speakers

Recorded Event Time Limitation:
This recorded event will be available for 20 days from your date of registration.

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