Loan Originations

Duration: 60 Min.


They literally run the gamut from "A" to "Z". From Amortization to Reg. Z, and they can be one of the most complicated parts of any administrator's work with Relius. "They" are loans, and Relius Administration has a whole system to help you deal with them.

This is the first session in our loan series, and this series is just about the only one in our Training Passport Library where we recommend you take them in order.

This session begins the process. It's called "Loan Originations," and will examine setting up the plan to process loans. It includes setting up plan accounts, a global table and then a series of definitions and selections for loan creation and processing. Once the plan is set up, then the individual loan itself is created. Along with creating the loan, there's the paperwork—which Relius can help with. And once created the loan will need to be distributed, and it will be then and only then that we can begin to think about processing payments. It can be a lot of work, but Relius can make it easy.

In this session, we will:

  • create and maintain a global interest rate table for loans
  • set up a plan loan account
  • define and enter the plan's loan requirements & specifications
  • create and distribute originating loans for participants
  • view available forms and reports for new loans
  • set up takeover loans

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