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ERISA Workshop (1 day)
Syracuse, NY - 8/15/2017 - 8/15/2017


Scheduled in five cities in 2019: Appleton WI, Charlotte, Kansas City, and Portland

The ERISA Workshop is preceded on the prior day by the Form 5500 Workshop. A multi-program discount will be available.

ERISA Workshop
Covering Current Events, Hardship Distributions, QDROs, and More

Questions. Retirement plan administration gives rise to many different questions, and the answers are constantly changing. The 2019 ERISA Workshop is designed to give you the answers you need to the difficult questions that plague retirement plan practitioners. As always, we will feature discussion and case studies on some of the top issues of the day, such as:

  • How changes in Washington may impact retirement plan laws and regulations over the coming years
  • How recent legal and regulatory changes to hardship distributions will impact plan participants and administrators
  • The risks and requirements faced by plan administrators, custodians, and fiduciaries due to fraud and cybertheft
  • The proper method for issuing electronic notices under IRS and DOL guidance
  • Appropriate correction procedures for errors with safe harbor 401(k) plans

Taught by professional attorney/instructors, the ERISA workshop helps the rules make sense by presenting them against the backdrop of real life problems. Our attorney/instructor not only knows what the law says, he knows how to present it in a manner that is clear and readily understandable.

OBJECTIVES: After the program, attendees should be able to:

  • Explain which of the recent changes to hardship distributions are mandatory vs. optional
  • Determine the deadline to amend a plan to comply with the new hardship rules
  • Identify the primary identity theft and cybersecurity risks to retirement plan sponsors and providers.
  • Properly advise plan sponsors regarding the proper handling of QDROs
  • Develop compliant processes for electronic distribution of various participant notices
  • Explain the best correction method for various operational failures in safe harbor 401(k) plans
  • Detail the major changes to laws, regulations, and guidance that can impact plan sponsors in 2019 and beyond

NOTE: Back-to-back scheduling! The ERISA Workshop is preceded on the prior day by the Form 5500 Workshop. A multi-program registration discount is offered for those who wish to attend both programs at the same location. Attend both Workshops and enjoy the multiple-program discount – a $50 savings!


There are no prerequisites for this program however, participants should come with an understanding of the general operation of 401(k) plans. Attendees should have at least six months of experience working with employer plans.

Program Level: Beginner. Overview.

Instructional Delivery Method: Group – Live

NASBA Field of Study: Taxes

Who Should Attend:

The ERISA Workshop is designed for practitioners who have some experience working with retirement plans in general, and experience with 401(k) plans, in particular, is a plus. The less-experienced practitioner also will benefit from the programs by learning how to spot important issues for further investigation.

This program is designed to benefit all pension practitioners, including third party administrators, attorneys, accountants, human resources personnel, actuaries, trust officers, insurance agents, and others involved with qualified plan design, compliance, administration, and government reporting.