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Cross-Tested and Safe Harbor 401(k) Plan Design
Presentor: Stephen W. Forbes Recorded Date: 12/17/2009 Duration: 100 Min.


This program was recorded during a live presentation on December 17, 2009.

Two of the most popular defined contribution plan designs are the cross-tested plan and the safe harbor 401(k) plan. These plan designs can offer not only significant disparity in favor of the highly compensated employees, but also flexibility. Each plan design has its advantages and disadvantages.

This program examines and compares the different plan designs. We explain the important considerations in choosing the appropriate plan design for your client. We also will address how eligibility, top heavy, compensation, 415 and catch-up provisions affect these plan designs. Included are numerous examples to illustrate how to maximize each design, as well as an example explaining how to combine the two plan designs.

Topics include:

  • ACP match formulas
  • Triple-stacked match safe harbor
  • Compensation options
  • Cross-tested plan formulas
    • HCE/NHCE as sole classifications
    • Designing classifications
    • Each person in own classification
  • Cross-tested safe harbor 401(k) plan
    • Match vs. nonelective
    • Early eligibility provision
    • Avoiding top-heavy minimum
    • Excluding part-time employees
  • Sample illustration

Speaker: Stephen W. Forbes, J.D., LL.M.

Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites or other advanced preparation for this program. However, the instructor will assume that participants are familiar with cross-tested and safe harbor 401(k) plan rules.

Level: Intermediate

Instructional Delivery Method
Group – Internet-Based

Attendees will be able to determine the following after attending this program:

  • When to use a safe harbor 401(k) plan design
  • How to design a triple stacked safe harbor 401(k) plan
  • How to design a cross-tested plan
  • How to design a safe harbor 401(k) plan to avoid the top heavy minimum
  • How to design a cross-tested safe harbor 401(k) plan
  • How to choose between a cross-tested plan and a safe harbor 401(k) plan
  • The advantages and disadvantages of placing each employee in his/her own classification.

    System Requirements:

    • Windows 95, 98, NT 4.0 , 2000, XP
    • Internet Explorer 4.01 or later, Netscape 4.08 or later
    • 56K modem connection or better (128K recommended)
    • Pentium 166+ MHz, 128MB RAM or more
    • 800x600 or higher display resolution
    • Soundcard, Speakers

    Recorded Event Time Limitation:
    This recorded event will be available for 20 days from your date of registration.

  • Program related requests, questions, or concerns may be e-mailed to:


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