Document Consulting Questions

While the Document Consulting Department provides assistance for both document and non-document related inquiries, the Department's highest priority is responding to document inquiries, those relating to the preparation, interpretation (e.g., completing a Checklist or Adoption Agreement) or filing of Plans. Responses to non-document related inquiries are on a fee-for-service basis and are provided on a secondary basis to document inquiries.

PLEASE NOTE: An extremely high level of inquiries is causing a delay in our response time. We are attempting to keep delays to a minimum and appreciate your understanding if your inquiry is not responded to within 3 to 4 business days.

Please select type of question:
  • Document (Non-Billable)
    There is no fee associated with questions related to completion of FIS Relius plan checklists and adoption agreements or for questions related directly to interpretation of FIS Business Systems plan provisions. NOTE: Questions regarding PPD prototype adoption agreements may be referred to the PPD Division office in Denver, CO.
  • Non-Document (Billable)
    There is a fee for this service of $80 per 15-minute increment, with a minimum charge of $80. This will be charged to your FIS Business Systems account. You will receive an invoice indicating the amount of the charge. If you would like an estimate of the fee, you must specify this at the time you make the initial inquiry. Responses may be written and returned via e-mail or the consultant assigned to your inquiry may call you. Fees for service are the same whether the response is in writing or verbal.