Document Consulting

What is a document-related question vs. a non-document question? The following are examples that will be helpful to you.

Sample Document-Related Questions

  • How do I modify a FIS plan document to provide for different benefit structures for different groups of employees?
  • Can an employer select a normal retirement age of 55 for purposes of taking advantage of the in-service distribution option and not jeopardize the qualification of the plan?
  • Can you assist me with completing the Schedule Q for IRS Form 5307?
  • I received an inquiry from the IRS about my FIS plan. Can you assist me in responding?

Where else can I get answers to my non-document related questions?

Consider subscribing to the PPD Pension Library. Available online, this vast ERISA resource is the single most useful resource you can own.

The PPD Pension Library is comprised of five publications, combined into a comprehensive ERISA resource. From substantive law in an outline format, newsletter updates, and practical everyday forms, to in-depth treatises - the PPD Pension Library will save you hours of research time and provide information you will refer to every day.